Here is your winter checklist for home maintenance that will save you lots of money in the short and long run. Building new homes for our clients helps us appreciate how important it is to maintain your home. New and not-so-new homes alike need to be maintained in order to keep this important asset appreciating and in top shape. The last thing you want to have to happen is an unexpected breakdown during the cold winter season. This list will help you avoid that. 

Cover Your Spigots

New home construction will have frost-free spigots installed. Putting spigot covers on the newer spigots will improve the longevity of rubber parts that are on the inside of spigots. 

Clear Gutters

The end of fall is the perfect time to get up on the roof and blow leaves and debris out of your gutters. Even if you have gutter guards, there will still be some particles that are in your gutters. Typically a small handheld blower will clear them out. 

If you leave leaves and debris in your gutters over the winter, it will add a lot of weight to your gutter system. This can damage and unhinge the drain pipes. The longer you wait to clean them out the more work it will be to get them cleared up. 

Seal Cracks

Check your weather striping around all doors. Replace striping that has torn away or cracked. Caulk any gaps in doors, windows and any other opening to your home such as plumbing and HVAC entries. 

Garage Doors

If your garage doors are not working properly now is the time to get them fixed. It’s best to park your vehicles in the garage over winter. This protects your vehicles and provides you with a safe dry place to access your car or truck. 

Freezing Pipes

If your pipes freeze chances are you could get one that bursts. If this happens you’ll need to know where your water shut off valve is. Make sure you and everyone in your home knows where it is and how to turn it off should water start flooding your home. 

Heat System Check

Before temperatures plummet be sure the have your heating system checked. There could be a part that seems like it could go out. You don’t want that to happen snowed it. When temperatures plummet, systems break and repair companies get backed up. During high repair times it could take weeks to get someone to even look at what went wrong. 

Yard Clean-up

Take advantage of the dry sunny days to get the yard trimmed and cleared. Trimming is so much easier in the winter. It lightens trees and bushes that prevent breakage. If you put in the bush hogging work during the winter it will make your spring so much more beautiful and enjoyable. 

Yard Equipment

While you’re working on cleaning up the yard be sure to put yard equipment away. This usually includes hoses and outdoor furniture pads and coverings. If you have lawn mowers and other tools be sure to put them in the garage or a shed. 


If you have any debris sell it or haul it to the dump. Snakes, spiders and other harmful animals can make their winter home under these items. Come spring you don’t want a nasty surprise. Besides, if you haven’t used these items this year you probably never will. Time to clear it out and make your neighbors happy. 


Check that your smoke, carbon dioxide and radon detectors are working. Change out batteries or units as needed.

Protect Your Home While on Vacation

Are you planning a trip to see family or going on vacation? Make sure you protect your home first before you go.  The holidays are the best time for burglars to get into your home while you’re enjoying time off. Luckily, there are steps that you can take before you leave for any extended period of time that will keep your home safe.

House Sitter

The best way to protect your home is to have a trusted house sitter stay in your home while you’re away. Burglars stake out homes that are vacant. They don’t want to waste time on a home that is occupied. 

Locks & Security System

Making sure all the doors and windows are locked will at least slow down someone trying to break in. Check all doors and windows to make sure they are securely locked down. If you have a spare key put it in the house or give it to a family member who is keeping an eye on things. Check your alarm system to make sure that it’s set up and working properly at least a week before you leave.

Local Patrol

If you don’t have a house sitter you may want to consider calling the police station to set up a patrol of your house. Most police stations offer the service of driving by your house while you are gone just to make sure nothing is going on. All it takes is a quick call and they can have an officer set up to check on your house. I sure know that having a cop go by my house gives me much more peace of mind to enjoy my holiday season.


If you are expecting any packages have them shipped to someone you trust that will be home or have them held at the post office until you return. A big package sitting on the front porch is practically an invitation for a burglar to take it. If a package has not arrived by the time you leave and it was expected to, call the shipping company, such as FedEx, and let them know that you will pick it up at the location nearest you when you return. This is a free service offered and can even be done while the shipment is in route.

Public Announcement

For the highest security, wait until you’re back home to post on Social Media about being away for the holiday. Alternatively you can thank a friend on social media for watching over your house while you’re away. Then, you can post what you want. By saying that someone is watching over or staying at your house then that will make it look as if your home is not abandoned and ready for the taking to a burglar. You don’t know who could be watching your account so you always have to be prepared and think ahead.

Would you like to start fresh with a brand new home? Call us today or book your appointment online to get started. We have tons of options for all budgets.






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