Air Filters

Two Cents Worth Home Maintenance Tip

It’s summertime in the South, and your HVAC system has been working hard. Help it out a little by following this home maintenance tip. You should change your air filters monthly. Yes, we said monthly. Not quarterly, not annually, or worst, when you have a microscopic community built up in your air filter. 

Tip: find an air filter supplier that sells bulk at a discount. Buy their bulk deal, so you have plenty of air filters to change out monthly. Another tip; change your air filter every time you pay your electric bill. According to the Department of Energy, you can remind yourself that changing your air filter monthly will reduce your electric bill by as much as 15%. For example, if your average electric bill is $100 per month, it may reduce to $85, which will cover the air filter cost.

That won’t be your only savings. When you regularly change your air filter, you relieve your HVAC system of being overworked and wearing out quicker. This is where the actual savings come into play. The average HVAC system is $5,000 to $10,000. You are postponing the HVAC replacement event by making it a routine to change your air filters every month. 

Health Benefits of Changing Your Home Air Filter

If financial savings isn’t enough motivation for you, then maybe your health is. There are considerable benefits to changing your air filter every month that include cleaning the air in your home from;

  • Microorganisms and bacteria
  • Animal fur and hair
  • Lint and other fibers
  • Mold and mold spores
  • Pollen
  • Dirt and dust

If you have trouble breathing, allergies, or any unpleasant odor in your home, it could be because you’re not changing your air filter frequently enough. This can cause serious health issues such as allergies and even pneumonia. 

Call us today if you’ve been dreaming about having a new home with an entire energy-efficient air system installed! We build new homes that give you the most for your money, save energy, and are built to code. 

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